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Duoyi Co.,Ltd. is a conglomerate dedicated to internet technology, adhering to the path of independent research, development and operation.
Duoyi Co.,Ltd. which was established in 2006, insists on independent research and operation and has consistently ranked among the top 100 internet enterprises in China.
Duoyi Co.,Ltd. has developed and released well-known games such as "Huantang Tale", "Dream World", and "Gunfire Reborn", providing entertaining digital cultural experiences for players worldwide.
Duoyi Co.,Ltd. possesses a significant number of core intellectual properties, including patents, copyrights, and registered trademarks. It has supporting platforms like the Technology Research Center, driving innovation and nurturing professional talents.
The construction of Duoyi Co.,Ltd. headquarters building is underway and poised to become an incubator for innovative projects. Simultaneously, Duoyi Co.,Ltd. has expanded its presence in Wuhan, establishing multiple in-progress production lines for digital products, providing comprehensive support and technical services for the enterprise.
Duoyi Co.,Ltd. is committed to a long-term development strategy, tirelessly striving to create positive value and lay a long-lasting and solid foundation.